Jim Hunt

Jim is our Chief Executive Officer. He is a smart grid consultant and a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Amongst other things he enjoys cycling, walking in the hills and by the sea, and bodyboarding in the Atlantic Ocean:

Jim has spent the last 20 years implementing SCADA protocols for use in electricity distribution networks. He is currently working on a feasibility study funded by the Deparment for Transport comparing differing LPWAN technologies, in particular the suitability of OCPP 1.6 over LPWAN for the EVSE to “back office” communications use case.

Here is an extract from Jim’s C.V.

Member of the following smart grid standards development committees:

Co-chair of the FIX Protocol Ltd. Transactive Resources Working Group. –
Smart grid financial protocols

British Standards Institution L/13
Smart grid policy

British Standards Institution PEL/57
Power systems management and associated information exchange

British Standards Institution PEL/69
Electric vehicles

British Standards Institution SDS/2
Smart and sustainable cities and communities

International Electrotechnical Commission SyC Smart Energy JWG 3
Architecture and use-cases for EVs to provide grid support functions

International Electrotechnical Commission SyC Smart Energy ahG 11
ad hoc Group on Energy flexibility and residential DSR: common ground

International Electrotechnical Commission TC 69/JWG 15
Distributed energy storage systems based on Electrically Chargeable Vehicles

International Electrotechnical Commission TC 57/JWG 11
Management of Electric Vehicles charging and discharging infrastructures

International Organization for Standardization TC 22/SC 31/JWG 1
Vehicle to grid communication interface

International Organization for Standardization TC 268/SC 1
Smart community infrastructures

International Organization for Standardization TC 268/SC 2
Sustainable cities and communities – Sustainable mobility and transportation

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization TC 205/WG 18
Home and Building Electronic Systems related work on Smart Grid.

Open Charge Alliance  OCPP 2.x/V2x technical task group.


International Electrotechnical Commission TC 57/WG 16
Deregulated energy market communications

Smart Grid Interoperability Panel PAP03
Common specification for price and product definition

FIX Protocol Ltd. standards working group on electrical energy pricing.

Software/firmware experience:

SCADA, IEEE-1815 (DNP3), WISP+, IEC 60870, IEC 61850, IEC 62325, IEC 63110, ISO 15118, CIM, UML, eMIX, TeMix, FIX, Private radio, Packet switched radio, LPWAN, GPRS, Ethernet, VPNs, “Black boxes”, Multi-tier enterprise applications, SQL Server, MySQL servers, MongoDB, Redis, LAMP, WAMP, Real time UNIX, Embedded Linux, Custom desktop GIS, C, C++, C#, Java, Object Pascal, Python, Support vector machines, Genetic optimisation….


1977 – 1982
Research Fellow – Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southampton

1974 – 1977
PhD Studentship – Department of Electronics, University of Southampton

BSc Electronic Engineering, University of Southampton 1974